Huawei Nova 5T | Genshin Impact Highest Graphics 60 FPS Gameplay By XMNN

Aug 15, 2021
Huawei Nova 5T | Genshin Impact Highest Graphics 60 FPS Gameplay

Hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel. My name is chrism an XML and for today's video we are going to play gang shin impact on your Huawei nova, 5t, so stay tuned before that shout out to Serrano TV, and he commented play games and impact on your Huawei nova 5t. So let's do it alright. So before we play the game, so let's check first the remaining battery of this phone, so currently I'm at 61, and I have 18 hours and 14 minutes remaining. Currently, I am on the performance mode. So, let's play the game guys.

At this point we will adjust the graphics of the game. So, let's see, so currently I am at medium, so let's jump it to the highest graphics and also for the frames per second 60. And let's see what are the other settings alright. So, let's start so. We are now at 60 frames per second, and we are at the highest settings so far, and it's actually very nice guys.

So, okay, oh, no, a horde! The fighting must have got them. Riled up uh dragon's breath is that where the power is coming from great, let's smash it phew, I'm tired, mistaken, seems the path ends here. Let's use the wind currents to fly up. Yes, see you later, then bye-bye there's no way hilly turtles organized an ambush like this themselves, not with their limited mental capacity. Thus, you were behind this agree to disagree, but your involvement in this just made things a lot more interesting, uh, threes wow leave it to me why you're in for a little shot, come a little closer you're in for a little shock, all right guys.

So that's it! So, let's check the remaining battery of this phone. Let me zoom in now we are down at 34 and the remaining hours and minutes is eight hours and six minutes under performance mode, so not bad. That is 52 minutes almost an hour of gameplay, and we are down to 34 minutes from 61, so we have lost 27 percent of battery under the highest graphics, 60 frames per second gaming on Jensen impact on performance mode, which is still good but not great in terms of battery. But the phone held the game for the highest settings. I'm impressed.

Source : XMNN

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