This is Hawaii news: I'm Susie this month, Huawei opened its largest global cybersecurity and privacy protection transparency center in Donovan china. This is the seventh such center that Ohio has opened around the whole world. The center is designed for third parties to test our products and collaborate more closely on security standards, verification and innovation. Contrary to the conspiracy theory, Huawei has never had one single cybersecurity incident record of the past three decades. This thanks to the ABC principle that highway advocates, assume nothing believe nobody and check everything. The idea is that both trust and distrust should be based on facts, not feelings, not speculations and not faceless rumor Huawei believes that facts must be verifiable and verification must be based on standards in 2021 damages from cyber crime might reach 6 trillion us dollars.
So the fact shows cybersecurity is not a problem for just one or two companies, nor is a problem that can be solved by excluding any company or country. Cybersecurity is a global challenge for all industry players: powers, rotating chairman Cantu, emphasized at the opening of the Donovan center from governance, standards and technology to verification we need to work together, combine strength and build our collective capabilities in today's world. No one is an island, it's time for us to rationally face our common challenges and work together to tackle them. Another piece of news that attracted global attention this month was Huawei's launch of a range of new products powered by harmony. Os2 new products released outside China, such as the Huawei watch, 3 and Huawei.
Mate pad pro will come with harmony, OS 2 out of the box. This helps consumers understand that, rather than being simply a mobile phone operating system, harmony OS provides a common language for different kinds of devices to connect and collaborate, allowing consumers to operate multiple devices as if only operating one, in other words, apps, can travel between different devices as well, without requiring users to install them on each one users can connect and synchronize tasks across different devices based on their needs in different scenarios. For example, the Huawei watch 3 powered by harmony os2, can integrate seamlessly, with Huawei smartphones functionalities flows directly from your smartphone to your wrist, making all right, healing and flat information available at a glance. Many consumers are concerned about the data privacy in the context of multi-device interconnection. The good news is that harmony OS manages user data by category and protects devices by level setting specific security thresholds for super devices.
Only devices that meet strict security requirements can access data corresponding to their security level. Technology is not a zero-sum game. Huawei looks forward to working with more partners and developers to build a thriving harmony, OS ecosystem and share the value together. Thank you for watching, see you next time.
Source : Huawei