How to Take Care of Battery in ASUS ZenFone 8 Flip – Battery Management By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Take Care of Battery in ASUS ZenFone 8 Flip – Battery Management

Welcome in front of me, I have also the phone 8 flip, and today I will show you how you can take care of battery in this smartphone at first. You have to go for the settings find battery and right now, let's focus on the battery care. Let's go here at the first, we are able to select charging limit when we set a lower charging limit, we'll accent battery lifespan. So if you don't need to get 100 just set it for 90 or 80. , we can also turn off fast charging and go for steady, slow charging. We'll also protect our battery with this one, and here we can change rate limiter the best.

When you go for the ultra steady, you can also enable schedule charging. So here we got the description of this option. It's also very useful to set it up here. You can pick the start and the end time, and you can also sleep well settings here and yeah. That's all if you find this video helpful remember to leave a like comment and subscribe to our channel.


Source : HardReset.Info

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