How to Replace the Battery on a Samsung Galaxy S8 By Serg Tech

By Serg Tech
Sep 3, 2021
How to Replace the Battery on a Samsung Galaxy S8

Hello everyone in this video I'm going to be showing you how to replace the battery on your Samsung, Galaxy, s8, alright, so first thing, you're going to want to do guys is make sure that the phone is powered off once the phone is completely powered off. What we're going to do is we're going to need to give it some heat on the back cover. Okay, we're going to need to either give it heat with a hairdryer all around with a heat gun, be very careful with the heat gun because it can overheat the phone, or you can also sit it on a hot plate, which is what I have, and you also have to be careful if you're going to use a hot plate because the temperature can get very hot, and it could burn the phone as well all right, so I'm going to give it some heat. Give it enough heat to where when where you can touch it, but it will burn slightly. That's when you know you're ready that we can begin to lift on the back right, so I'm going to heat it up now, and I'm, and then afterwards I'm going to show you how to begin to remove the back cover. So, let's give it some heat.

First, all right, so I put it up to heat for about minute or two pretty hot. Now, all right, so we're going to do is we're going to get a suction cup. We're going to place it here on the lower on the bottom side of the phone in the bottom rear side, we're going to place the suction cup as close to the tip as possible, all right and then what we're going to do is we're going to lift on it. We're going to lift on it gently not too fast, not too rough, because we don't want to break the glass so lift on it gently until you just see an opening. Take I see an opening right there.

There you go as soon as you start, seeing an opening we're going to need to we're going to need to remove we're going to need to stick a prying tool in there all right. So all right looks like there's an opening right there right. There stick the prying tool right there. Once you have the prank go in there, all right we're good to go. You can leave the suction cup on there, but we're going to need to do now is we're going to need to go around the phone very gently with the prying tool just go around the back around the entire phone, all right, if you, if you can, if you have to I'm two picks or playing cards, I, would suggest to use two that way you can um go around the phone with both of them and take this glove off.

Oh, the phone is still pretty hot. All right, so we're going to continue to go around yeah all right. So once you have most of it looks like the phone turned on it's powered off. Alright, once you have most of the back peeled off towards the top, you can lift it up gently, and it will open up completely alright, and then we're going to remove the rest of the back cover, which will be held down with a little more adhesive. All right.

Let's make sure we place the adhesive back onto the back cover as well as we can, because this is going to go back onto the phone the same way we removed it, we're going to place it back on there, so we want it. We want the adhesive to be around all the edges so that it can stick back on as well as it can all right. So it looks good, let's play fed to the side all right. So next thing we're going to do is we're going to be removing all of these screws. These are going to be Phillips head screws that are on the back frame of the phone, so we're going to be using a small Phillips head screwdriver.

Alright, let's go ahead and do that now: yeah, okay, so once you have all the Phillips head screws removed, we can go ahead and begin to lift the back pieces here on the back of the housing all right, so you can either do it with your finger or you can do it with a prying tool, all right, so I'm going to lift here. First gently: this is the wireless. This is the wireless charger pad all right, so let's lift on this, and then we can go ahead and lift on this side right here. Alright, so this whole piece comes out, so this whole piece comes out and as one piece to put that to the side all right and then now we can go ahead and remove the bottom portion over here, which is where the ears figure is alright. Let's put that to the side.

Next thing we're going to want to do is we're going to go ahead and disconnect the battery cable to make sure that the phone doesn't turn on and there's no electricity flowing through the phone. If you want to remove the battery we're going to give this give the screen some more heat, with either heat with either a hairdryer heat gun, or we can place it on a hot plate again, alright till it's hot enough again to the touch where you can't touch it for too long, and then we're going to begin to pry up on the battery, alright, so I'm going to do that now, I'm going to give it some heat, and I'll continue, recording once it's hot enough all right! So once you feel it's hot enough again we're going to go ahead and get the phone we're going to get a prying tool once again I'm going to be using this pin metal prying tool, you can use a plot. You can use a different prime tool as well, but what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to squeeze it in between here in between the battery and the frame. You see the slide opening right here, and we're going to press down on it, and we're going to lift on it on the battery all right, and we're going to get under there and lift on the battery. Alright and the battery will come right out and, as you can see, that's the adhesive holding the battery down all right.

So once you have the back pieces of the housing back in everything's back in place, all right we're going to go ahead and place all the small Phillips head screws back on. Actually next thing: we're going to need to do is make sure you connect this small flex cable over here, which is for the heart rate sensor, go ahead and connect it right here you might have to play around with it a little to connect it. It is a little annoying, but it's not that hard. Alright, so looks like I got it there's not too much light in their yeah. So once you have it connected, you can go ahead and place the back cover back on place it as position it as perfectly as you can on the back all right and once it's positioned correctly go ahead and give it some pressure so that it will close up tightly all right and then once you're ready place, your sim card tray back in alright guys.

So that is how you replace the battery on your Samsung Galaxy S8, alright guys! So that's how you replace the charging port on your Samsung, Galaxy, s8, alright, I hope this video was helpful to you. If it was, please give it a like and subscribe for more videos like this until next time, guys peace.

Source : Serg Tech

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