How to install camera lens protector for Samsung Galaxy note 10+ and why you should not do it By Mr30

By Mr30
Aug 21, 2021
How to install camera lens protector for Samsung Galaxy note 10+ and why you should not do it

Hi guys so today, I'm going to install the protector for my phone this time, the camera protected okay. So all the things that I need is here the film they call it glass, but it's like plastic, hot plastics and all the wires okay, okay, okay. So first, I need to clean the surface of these lenses using the whites, and then I need to install this. So there are two types: two types of cameras. There are two types of the wipes here. The first one is the web wipes and second is to try the surface.

So, according to the number, you need to use this one first and then followed by the try. One just rub the surface rub, rub it onto the side of it, and then you use the second one second, one to dry just to dry the moisture. I believe it's alcohol, so this one just to try it yes, clean it up until there is no no oil or any fingerprints on the surface, it's good now so take the protector. So the thing that you need to take care or be careful of is to not peel off the protector by your nails just twist, these things, the board until it is separated from the you know, from this blackboard. Okay.

That is this. I don't know you can see if you, if you can see, so this is the protector, and you just twist. This twist is like this: take the phone install it okay, just slowly. Let's talk yes, just like that. So give a slight push to remove the air.

You can use the white they give you to remove the air, so push push and then the top part push- and it's done see this done, and it is done- see done okay. So this is why you shouldn't install this protector. Okay, this is the photo after I install the filter, and this is the photo before I install the filter. So you notice that the photo is a bit sharper and have more contrast in the photo. This is another example after I install the protector, and this is the photo before I install it.

Another example after and this is before I install the protector, so that's it guys. I noticed this a few weeks after I installed the protector, because the picture looked a little dark and not sharp, so I believe there is no need to install the protection on the on your phone lenses. So that's it. Thank you for watching.

Source : Mr30

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