Okay so now you have two Riesling right now in our hands once again and as many would realize that actually you're getting the reason for largely because of the hundred twenty Hertz refresh screen. It looks great in Han and if you have ticked it true to space settings, there might be a bit of doubts whether you're actually hitting those numbers. So you do have any option to actually open up in a'll, say, developer, options to have AF permanent FPS counter on the screen all the time. So what do you need to do is actually go to the settings menu, unlike anything else, and we actually need to go into the settings to actually get people have a developer so like any other platform, okay to go to the build number in settings just search for it did seven times two steps, one step in BAM. We are now developer. Let me enter my pin just one moment, and we are now in developer mode.
So now that is unreal, II and evil. You need to go into developer settings, so you should go to developer options, the options. Here we go, and we need to look for one option: where is it monitoring here we go, go and grab options, show fps, you can focus and any bullet. So we have the FPS value here. You can see it as a small little value 70, let's go to the main screen and see what it is.49 78 actually hi animals. But if you HD in game- and we see- we actually pull it off the minified nice more feeling.
Source : Geek Culture