Google Pixel 2 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 - Speed & Camera Test! By Tech Trinkets

By Tech Trinkets
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 2 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 - Speed & Camera Test!

Hey guys I want to do a speed and camera test here between the new pixel 2 from Google, which is Google's flagship phone and Samsung's flagship phone from early 2017, the s8 here, which you can probably get for a lot cheaper than the new pixel phones. So you know: where is it worth paying for the pixel we're going to check it out here? I will look at the speed and camera of each phone, so when you start off at booting them both up here fresh boot, and then we can see how you do. Compare I, think I know who's going to win from the boot saw, which is absolutely amazing on the pixel, but maybe the restart isn't that good, actually I still think it's going to win. Maybe yes, it does only just though there so don't restart the phone. Do you know shut it down, so we can just have a look here at the speed of each phone, see if we're getting any improvements here on the left? So both have everything shut down both fully up-to-date. Let's go, so we're still running Android nugget here on the s8, which may have an effect with your Samsung experience here, and you can see the Samsung is doing pretty well considering it as a skinned phone here, but don't think you can quite keep up with the slickness of the pixel pretty much every single one here which faster and more responsive, so that was probably the Samsung there.

What you can see I mean: do you see that Judah on the Samsung I certainly did, so we can have a look at the James here. Maybe we'll see the Enos processor kick into life, because this is an ex-nurse model in terms of the displays are both AMOLED, but I still think. Samsung keeps the best panels to itself. The Samsung Display seems to be a little more. Brighter I have noticed it's also, obviously curved here.

So it looks much more kind of satisfying when it comes to content. I mean look at the Reds here they look much more luscious on the eyes where Lisa doesn't have display issues like the larger pixel I mean that's having burning and everything. Apparently, a very blue screen here again: I can certainly see a difference in terms of the display without is because Samsung you know does make these displays. At the end of the day, when turn to the raw speed here, the pixel 2 is dominating pretty much every single one. So if that is your main focus, you're going to have a good time here.

I wish it did something about these bezels, though, make it more like the LG G 6, which doesn't have a curved display, but it has a very minimal bezel I mean you could have copied that really and again here looks like the pixel a little snappier to load the game, which is pretty nice, one more yeah, so I'm going to give this to the pixel in terms of the performance of the web browsing here and as you're using this stock browser for Samsung versus the Google Chrome, which I think is a stock for the pixel. Let's go so very quickly there on the left and another one and again very snappy on the Left here we're just going to some page rendering here between both of them. So I think the pixels going from more yellowish kind display according to my eyes, compared to the warmer like hue on the Samsung. Here we can just click this again. The pixel which is going to take me to that, and I don't want to go to that, but I think ten times the raw speed here, I'm thinking it's the pig.

So let's just try one more so go again. Pixel very fast, whoops I think like that, at the same time, let's try different one BBC sport all, so that was the Samsung that time. So it's not clear-cut! You know. Definitely you can see. There's some variation here strange how the same web page is loading a little differently, but nevertheless I think quite interesting.

Let's just have a look at the multitasking, so both four gigs of RAM, as you can see, reload there on the pixel, not what I want to see what is running more like beta software, again other reload, and this Samsung is doing better here. Are we living in a different dimension? That is something I'm asking because that there's some reload on the pixel, which is the flag bearer for Android here, so that's not even the same at so some games. Also, this is rendering the wrong way. I think both of them have reloaded the games. So that's not the best, or at least this loaded it the right way.

Let's just try another one, so you can see I think both them could do a lot better in terms of the memory management when it comes to. You know the fact that they're so expensive, and they're high-end phones well I think the pixel is recovering a little faster overall, well yeah kind of disappointing here, both in Harold just for games in memory really I was expecting some good stuff here, but I did hold this one in memory. Strangely enough, so you know not the best multitasking here. Folks, if you are, you know looking for that, but how do the cameras compare? That is something I was quite interested in because Samsung, obviously it's coming with an amazing camera setup every year, pretty much every year, some nails it when it comes to the camera, so can the pixel compete. That is a good question here.

So I'm going to start off with the low-light which I do like to check out, and I got to say you know, even though the pixels like a highest-rated camera right now, I couldn't see it being. You know, marvelously better than the Samsung, which came out like five months ago. You can have a look for yourself, you know and not trying to be pro sumps or anything, but really I thought the Samsung still did amazing, even given the age of the handset, and that extends as well to the good light, which is fantastic on the pixel. But it's me the colors looks more vibrant on the Samsung for some reason, but I guess it depends on whether you, like you, know vibrancy versus more realistic, colors I like vibrancy. Actually so yeah you know were not amazing stuff, but from the Samsung.

If you ask me, and I'm guessing, it was the same as well as the s8, so the pixel do I have optical image, stabilization software- it didn't at first, but it does, and so the video you know again I'd say it's quite comparable, really, both of them pretty good I'd, say the pixel. It has a weakness in terms of the low-light I noticed that there was quite a lot of noise on the video like flashing and blinking for some reason, whereas a Samsung didn't exhibit that, maybe it's because of the lighting kind of seen way something to bear in mind. If you do some low-light, so video recording we're generally in good light, both from them very nice and will do the job. But you know I think at the end of the day, you've got to go back to the point that the s8 is come down in price. Now, quite a bit, particularly you know.

That's a plus and things like that. So I wouldn't say you should really rush out and buy the pixel, particularly as we have new handsets coming in 2018. Really it doesn't really make that much sense, but then again, if you are, you know on Apple's platform, or you're, just looking to a gray to a frame which just works and will be supported for a long time, pixel to does a job in the day and probably not forget the pixel excel, though, because it just seems to be getting worse and worse in regard to the display issues and the same sort of fantastic phone here you know hopefully we'll get Oreo on the phone quite quickly. Samsung is usually pretty good when it comes to high-end phones, so yeah, just a little comparison here, you can see. Samsung holds its ground, pretty well hope you found it helpful, and I'll see the next one Cheers.

Source : Tech Trinkets

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