Hey, oh foreign, black watch out mark the location watch out, watch out, defend the mark. Okay, mark the location, hmm enemy, town, help enemy town. I need consumables, I'm out lead ammo. Okay. What are you doing? I need a scope, enemy, town, okay, bye, enemy down up on me, ladies evening watch out he's ahead enemies ahead, so uh, so enemy, hmm enemy, town. Let's go me watch out enemy, enemy town, so so so um, um so much you so hmm, so excellent work.
Fine, so mark the location, enemy, enemies, ahead, enemy, town, so, so enemy down get me down. Mark the vehicle get in the car uh, so hmm enemy down. So I need a scope enemy ahead. Okay, mark the location, let's go mercy: foreign um, uh, uh me excited enemy's down: okay, ahead enemies: oh get me down enemy's down now enemies, down, uh hello, talking, not accountants, enemy's down enemies is enemies downtime. It's um watch out even he's ahead down master location, master location, uh.
Yes, so let's go! Oh comes down, um, ah mark the location, so hmm, okay! I need a weapon. Hmm, down so me: hmm watch out down so oh foreign evening, so, oh hmm, so so we need so so so here so so so foreign.
Source : SmAsH officials