Galaxy A9 2018 Android 9.0 Vs Galaxy A7 2018 Speed Test By Tech1Tv

By Tech1Tv
Aug 21, 2021
Galaxy A9 2018 Android 9.0 Vs Galaxy A7 2018 Speed Test

What's up guys, this is a speed test, Galaxy a 92018 on NASA 9.0 pi versus the Galaxy S7 2018, so which one is the fastest. Let's go ahead and do a speed test to find out. I'm gonna start with the phone dial up like so okay, the message up next: the Play Store. Now, let's go to games movies and TV, let's go to books, music and now, let's go back to home just like so now, let's go to the up to our now the camera next day, you're Khalil up next, let's check out some social media. Let's go to Twitter just like so now, let's go to kick now, let's go to me! We are okay! Now, let's go ? oops, let's go to our two the rock folder: let's go to Tumblr! Okay, let's go back and now, let's check out some Google Apps, let's go to YouTube there we go YouTube like so, and now let's go to trending subscription. Now let's go to unbox and like well.

Now, let's go ahead and go to the Google Drive app! Let's go to our for you! So let's go back now. Let's go to do play music up, go, go play music, okay! Next, let's go to the cocoa photos. Now, let's go to albums. Let's go back to photos nice! Now, let's go to the cocoa, come up and down, let's check out some website. Okay, so let's go to Target our common, both devices, just like so okay.

Now, let's go to Walmart calm when performance. There we go. Okay, now, let's put the best buy on performs: let's go! Okay! Now, let's go to cnn. com and there we go. Now, let's go to Sony.

That comment performs Sony calm there. We go okay, nice! Now, let's go back to Google, calm! Okay! Now, let's check out some Samsung up, let's go to my files! Now, let's go back. Let's go to the calculator up next, the clock up next the galaxy store on both devices. Next there will be the calendar app just like that. Okay, so now, let's go ahead and check out some games.

Let's go to pop G mobile. There we go and, as you can see, the Galaxy S7 big galaxy NI. That's interesting, huh, the Galaxy S7 bit the galaxy NI. So that was pop G mobile. So now let's go back and let's go ahead and check out the unclear up, just like so, and the Galaxy S7 again beat the galaxy NI.

So the next game will try to do his Candy Crush saga. Just like that again, the Galaxy S7 beat the galaxy and I leg for ninja. Again the Galaxy S7 beat the galaxy NI. The next game will go to lunch will be worked rgb2 there we go it crush on the galaxy and I. Don't know why but I.

Let's try it again, don't know why it crashes. Let's try, one more time opt rgb2 like song, and the Galaxy S7 again beat the galaxy and I the next game. I'm gonna. Try will be, let's see a subway surfer there. We go, and I think the galaxy and I won distress right, yeah, I, think so yeah you have a guy's ass pictures, galaxy NI, 2018 on Age Warlock, one of our versus the Galaxy S7 thumbs up, leave a comment below and Amar would base.

Source : Tech1Tv

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