FACE REVEAL of CREEPY ADMIRER DATING Daniel Gizmo's Mom! By Chad Wild Clay

By Chad Wild Clay
Aug 21, 2021

Spider, just Daniel's mom is dating the creepy admirer. She just uploaded a video check. This out, my new boyfriend is coming over soon. Here he is now. I can't wait for you to meet him he's coming to the door. Hey you! That's him! That's him! Mother.

How do you not know? That's a bad dude he's wearing a mask, I'm taking you to las vegas. This is horrible dude! No, this is not horrible. This is perfect. Your mom is gonna, be here in like an hour Daniel, we can meet your mom finally we're. Finally, going to meet mother gizmo, let's head to the airport, okay, we're here! Oh, wait here comes one right now it was loud, your mom's, probably one of those plays.

How do I know which plane has my mom on it, Daniel d, your mom's upload, the other day people are leaving in the comments below that she had like a photo or something where you could see. She has an Instagram. What let me see? What are they talking about? Is that right, I'll talk to you later, Danny doodles, I love you what's her handle. It looks like an Instagram handle, yeah, mother, gizmo, nj means New Jersey. Oh, maybe she posts pictures like selfies on there.

We can see her face. She posted a picture, uh she's on an airplane, dude zoom in on those tickets, and let's see what flight number she's on 20-75. Can you see what's on that plane? Does it say 20-75 no way bro? We can't see the writing on the plane from here Daniel there's, an app called slight radar download it now Daniel, okay, boss, look, you can scan the sky, and it will recognize what flight it is. Oh, my gosh incredible! That's really sick! Like this one says it's coming from New Jersey, but what flight number is it uh? Oh 2075. , this is it that's my mom, my mom's on that plane, yeah! That's where that's her! We have to go.

We have to go okay, we're here at the exit where everybody exits the airport. Why haven't we seen her yet bro, it's been like 30 minutes? It takes a while to get your luggage and all that go to the bathroom. What is it Daniel? I'm such a freaking stinker? Sometimes don't be a stronger, I have my mom's Instagram. That means I could call her right now. What I'm going to call her right now and say where you at mother better than going out on the road and yelling where you at mother mother, stop it mother.

What are you going to say? Finally, going to see your mom. What if she has a nasal? Just like me, oh hey, creepy admirer. What are you doing answering the phone? This is mother gizmo's phone where's, my mom, you have her phone hello, Daniel. Looking for your mom. Well, I got her.

Where is she know? What I'll have you know we're right outside the airport exit buddy yeah, you ain't getting out of here without us, seeing you idiot we're already out what? How did they get out so fast, there's, multiple exits. I can't cover them all we're already at the dirty storm. You freaking creepy, stinker yeah, you stinker, where's the date spot we'll meet you there she's gonna, take your mask off soon and if she won't, we will today. I promise I'm gonna. Do your new dab, Daniel you jerk? No you're, not you're gonna, be your step, father, creepy, father.

No, then, no, we have to inform your mom before this creepy dude, hey, Mary's hurt. Oh, you hung up father's Stoic buries her marries. Okay, we need a plan. How can we find them they're on a date right now guys? Do you not watch the FaceTime call hello? If you zoom in a little, you can see that there's a little green logo with the lady in the back. My mom was in the background no no she's green she's, a martian Melvin she's, a martian.

It all makes sense now Daniel zoom. In on that, I see what you're talking about v. Oh, oh, that green lady, that's the Starbucks logo, Darby's bro. They went to starry's and grabbed a buck yeah! That's where they're having their date at Starbucks. I'm going to see my mom.

Let's go. We are here at Starbucks. I have not seen them yet. You guys are in disguise behind some books. My hair casually reading wow literature.

My mom is somewhere at the Starbucks right now. Both you and Melvin are reading upside down. It's not about reading. It's just a disguise it's to hide our faces, not a good disguise guys. You have to act apart.

The creepy admirer sees us here then I'll never see my mom uh Daniel. I know you're nervous, at least we know what the creepy admirer looks like so the moment he rolls by whoever's with him. That's your mother. Wait guys! What looks over there wait? What Daniel stop trying to kiss me? No! No! No! No! That's what silly Filipino way for pointing right about here! There are two drinks and a purse and two chairs that are empty, looks like there were people wait that is a green match drink. That's what Daniel gizmo drinks good job Daniel.

This is the same exact drink that I get me and my mom have similar taste literally, yes, check the name on the drink. It says gizmo, yes, oh, this must be your purse. What see you snooping, and you could be wrong, and why aren't ya snooping through somebody's purse? You're coming back, get behind your books, everybody! That's someone's coming out of the Starbucks right there. You see him he's right there. Great buck's up.

My mom is in a car, and he's going to the car right now beat him up right now, his best chance come on. Oh Melvin, that's not the spinach away. You know that Melvin. If we beat him up right now, he'll never go to the car. My mom's in right now he's trying to find out where he parked look at him.

He looks so lost. Why don't? We just go talk to him? Okay, this is our chance. He doesn't know we're following him. Okay, you guys go look for mother gizmo's car, okay, somewhere in this parking lot. Let's get to the car my mom's in before the creepy admirer does okay yeah cause, he doesn't even know where it is well, there's a bunch of cars in this parking lot, so we have to get looking it matches.

You are there anyone in there nobody's in there no wait a minute. We saw the creepy admirers' car before remember: oh yeah, wasn't it Volkswagen, but now the creepy admirer knows that we're onto him, he could have got a different car. You know that's what bad guys do when the police are after them. You know halfway through the chase, they'll switch to a different car. Mother gizmo.

Are you in here? Okay, he's right there, let's just go up and attack him and tell him where's Daniel gizmo's, mom ready and your brother get up get out, wait he's taking his hoodie off. Look at this just ripped his mask off and his wig. What if we bring mother gizmo to us, we make some kind of big gesture, yeah she's in this parking lot. She can probably see us if we make ourselves scenes, make a scene guys make a scene look mother, look, look how wacky look at the two barnacles mother. If you can see someone's honking, that's got to be her mother.

You hear that right. I heard it wait. Which way is the honk coming from he gets out of here right now, she's calling to get her attention. She doesn't want to leave the car. Follow the honking sound, keep talking, mother, no guess what we're gonna! Save you! Okay! Now is the time to approach him and see who he is.

Are you sure we're ready for that yeah? I need to know who this guy is because he's been messing with my brother and with Daniel's mother now's our chance to go. Look at his face, he's digging through mother gizmo's purse. Oh, that's mother gizmo's phone right there. You know what why don't? I just call her again. I have her Instagram I'll call her and ask her if she's in trouble.

What car is she in go on mother, gizmo, NJ Instagram. I better grab that phone okay call her phone okay Amazon's face. I hear it ringing in the distance. She's closed, hey what the heck? That's him! That's the car, hey my mom's in that car, quick, get him get. You saw her face.

Well, not her face, but I saw someone: okay was her face. Pixelated he's not bad wait. I don't know where he went. We lost him I'll, find him. Don't worry I'll, find him shoot man.

We were that close to my mom. That's the closer I've been to her. There was just a piece of glass separating me and her. How am I going to find her? I'm going to call her again on Instagram. No last time you ruined it by doing that, creepy admirer is gonna, find out that we're following them, but that's the only way I can communicate with her.

We don't know where the car is. The creepy admirer is the one that had your mom's phone. Well. Well, now he's with my mom. So maybe he gave it back to her.

I'm just going to call be careful. Okay, don't show your face, even if the crib admirer picks up I'm gonna. Let him know we're. Going to reveal his face today. He knows we're after him.

Oh, she's picked up. Mother, stop don't talk. I don't think the creepy admirer knows that your mom is on the phone she's she's filming the creepy admirer. He has no idea, I'm going to mute myself, so uh. Why are acting so weird? All of a sudden, I'm not acting weird.

Do you not like me ew? Of course, she doesn't like you, man, you're creepy mom. Why would you go on a date with somebody who's wearing a mask? Didn't you like date, h, he wore a mask? It was a project. Forgo mask okay, it's different! She wasn't really dating him. He was more dating her hey uh. Can I play a song? I need somebody else.

That's the Beatles! That's the song help I need somebody is that dinosaur music. Actually, I want to play this song she's changing to a different song which one's this. Why should she change the song? So suddenly this is BTS. Your mom likes K-pop Daniel. That song is called.

Save me. Wait. This can't be a coincidence. There's no such thing as a coincidence. What do you mean the two songs that she's playing help? Save me, she's, trying to show us a message, so she's figured out now that this guy is the creepy admirer.

Oh she's, pointing uh her phone out the window. Now, hey! That's a nice Burger King, we're passing. She passed the Burger King dude, that's the that's the Burger King up on rainbow boulevard. You know what that is. Chad, yes, I'll, go there right now! I don't know, wait a second! Oh! No! This isn't good.

What are you doing? I think he knows that we're facetiming her right now. No, oh, oh! He grabbed the phone. Oh, my gosh shoot. He threw it out the window. You lost visual dang it now.

She doesn't even have her phone well, chad. You have to go on the road with the Burger King. We have to chase down that car. We have to save your mom. I found him.

I found him, that's it! Mother gizmo is in there. I got giraffe vision, guys I spotted them nice, one! Chad! Thank goodness. We have a giraffe on the team. Oh my gosh, oh wow, he didn't even come to a complete. Stop.

Oh he's, trying to trick him he's driving like a lunatic, hey! Oh, take you over. Take a sharp right signal hold up next to us. Let's see if we can see mother gizmo in their mother mother. Are you in that car creepy admire? Let her go! Wake up. Let's go after him chase that car chad this sucks.

She doesn't have her phone anymore. How am I ever going to communicate with her again? He threw her phone out the window. We got to figure a different way for you to be able to talk to your mom wait. I got an idea in my backpack. I got a marker yeah and I got a piece of paper: yes, Daniel you're, going to communicate with her with markers and paper.

In case I lose communication with her right now we can talk through roadblocks, but how we're going to get them to see that chad pull up ahead of the car. Let me split the pedal to the metal he's driving slow. I can catch up to him. Okay, roll down the window. I have to show my mom this piece of paper: okay, mom, oh Daniel.

This is dangerous. You're! Not trying this at home. Careful meet me on Roblox. That's our only way to communicate. Add me lie detector Daniel.

Do you think she sees it? I hope so. I know you don't have your phone anymore. If we can communicate on Roblox, we can reunite there. He goes. Oh, he's fed up.

Okay, my mom definitely saw this sure. I think so. I think so well same with the creepy stalker guy. He definitely saw it. Obviously, oh man, I lost him.

I turned around looking back at you guys. I was so happy that you got that message to your mom and I lost him. Furthermore, I don't know where he went it's okay, though we can meet your mom in Roblox and talk to her there yeah. If she escapes oh, no well, however, she can get on Roblox because didn't the stalker just throw out her phone yeah. How is she going to play the game? Without a phone? Don't worry Daniel.

Your mom is smart. She can go on Roblox through a variety of ways: iPads tablets, laptops, desktop computers, all kinds of things: okay, chad, it's worth a try, my mom's smart, let's go on Roblox and see if she found a way to log on and talk to me, okay, I'm in the project, forgo server. I hope your mom's in here I don't know- I mean talk to me. Talk to my avatar. He knows everything he's really smartest.

The only way to be able to put a good finance project by upgrading your attributes Daniel. Is that really relevant right now, chad come on. You haven't done any of the quest yet Daniel your power, level's, so weak I've been trying to find my mother yeah you've been busy. It's okay, man. I understand.

There's somebody in the pool. That's the same, handle as her Instagram. Oh, she got into the server. This is my mom rent. Her talk to her, I don't know uh.

Do something mother excuse me. How do I get out of the pool question mark? Oh she's, not very good at Roblox Daniel. She did it. My little doodles is that you oh this is my mom. Nobody calls you Danny doodles, except for your mom.

I'm about to have the first conversation ever with my mom she's waving to you. Oh, mother! Is that you? Oh, it's her mother, it's her! This is her! Yes, oh I'm so happy with you Daniel. She said I miss you so much. I miss you too. I have to ask her.

If she's, okay last, we saw she was captured in the car. She says I'm so happy. I can barely sit still yeah. Are you safe? Are you with the creepy admirer, I'm hiding from him, I'm somewhere in this big warehouse building, dude good job mother, good job? We have to find where that warehouse is. She must have stolen one of the laptops at the warehouse thingy, her laptop battery, oh get locked up for Roblox.

We got to figure out where she is okay, which warehouse. It must be that that warehouse that we go to sometimes yeah yeah, where those ex hackers have been hiding out ever since we defeated project forgo, she's scared, I'm gonna, save you hurry, son, okay, okay, mother, we're gonna, go rescue, you're gonna, hunt down that creepy admirer, and we're going to reveal his face. Oh, she looks really worried: she's she's hashtagging. Oh, what does that mean she's trying to say something, but Roblox is blocking her he's blocking it heart. I maybe you can't say I love you.

Oh yeah, you can't say I hurt you. I can't even say I love you to my mom. I get the one time to talk to her. You can't express emotion. Why would Roblox block that love you? You can't tell you mother.

You know I love you, oh, I think her battery died. Yeah, that's what happened! Oh! She got found out by the creepy admirer, no okay, okay! Well, we know where that warehouse is. My mom is in there right now, let's go save her okay. We made it to the big warehouse thing my mom is inside here. This is also the same warehouse that those former hackers used to hang out in.

Oh, gosh guys look at this keypad a little of this, and that is a fingerprint scanner. Your finger won't work. Chad. Well, let's find out who do you think you are? Maybe my fingerprint's magical, my fingerprint? Oh actually, Regina! No, no! It's! My fingerprint! No chad dudes! Is that him right there. Should we dare approach closer? I don't see my mom anywhere.

What are you doing true stealth mode right here guys? We need a plan to take this guy out before he does something to your mother, Daniel yeah, you're, right he's not looking at us right now. Let's just sneak up behind him and grab. He will never see us coming it's time for a creepy admirer face reveal right now, Daniel you shouldn't ask him because he's where's, my mom. I know she's in this building, yeah somewhere, safe okay, if you're not going to tell us where she is its time to do a face. Reveal, thanks.

Who are you creepy, admirer yeah? Let's see rip it off Daniel rip, it comes on rip it up. There goes the wig, oh yes, let's see your face now, creepy admirer. Let's see your face buddy! What agent peters is dating Daniel's mom. You.

Source : Chad Wild Clay

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