Ladies and gentlemen, hello, my name is Parker. Welcome back to once again to another YouTube video today- and this is the iPhone 11. You guys can see iPhone right on the side there. What I'm, going to be doing is unboxing this whole thing and then afterwards going and playing some Call of Duty mobile on this. So it should be a lot of fun. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and I guess without further ado.
Let's just open this bad boy up. So here we go. This will be my opener of choice here, just the normal kitchen knife. Oh can actually, oh, so you open it up right here, don't even need a knife, I, don't think so. Okay, so here we go away with the plastic now for actually going and unboxing the device itself and yo.
Okay, that looks really awesome. I'll go and show it to you guys here. So this is actually my first time going and seeing this, and this actually looks pretty incredible here too I'm actually going recording this too, on my iPhone X, ah, like I, said, I wasn't really gonna, be that focused on just the unboxing part of this I primarily want to go and play Call of Duty mobile on this device. So I guess we might as well just jump right into that. So here we are.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the iPhone 11, and we're going to be hopping into a Call of Duty bubble here so quickly. I want to show off my settings here for the graphics. Yes, it is on very high, which would make sense, because this phone was very expensive and then for the frame rate. Yes very high, as well as I, do have all these other additional settings checked here, so we're pretty much playing on the highest settings that you can possibly play on for this game, and it should be a lot of fun. So we might as well go hop into a multiplayer game and let's do some domination on a nuke down here.
This should be interesting, and also this is going to be my first game using this device as well. So typically I would actually be using my racer phone ?, which is actually over here to the left of me, but we're going to be using some iPhone now, and also I will say this controller support just got added into this game, but it's not really that good. You would expect for it to be pretty good, but unfortunately it's not for right now, so just going to go and use the touchpad here. Maybe because I was really thinking about doing this. What do you guys like to see a video of me going and playing a Call of Duty mobile on my iPhone 11 with a controller? If you do be sure to go, and let me know in the comment section down below ooh: double kill right off the bat.
Okay also got some other guys spawning in here, and I will say. This I have been playing Call of Duty mobile on my razor phone. ? I really love that device, but maybe it's just me I feel like just the display of this phone alone. It's a lot more vibrant in terms of the color, like I, said, maybe I'm just trying to find something to like about this phone, but just in terms of me going in and out of buildings here. It really is a fluid process and oh yeah losing over here or no.
There. We go and also I, don't typically play on just like aim down sight with right away when you go in fire. Typically, I have my aim button right up here and since I don't really want to go through the process of mapping out all my buttons again. I just want to go and have it on that simple setting right there, and it would be really awesome if I could go and even drop a beat. Oh, here we're going to be calling in my predator whew.
There was an another guy in that building and I didn't even get a kill. They, oh, oh, losing see again there. Oh, that was the guy who nice let's go away, got that UAV action going up, and it's funny because. It's showing me all the tutorials in my mini-map right now and oh nice, okay round 1, is in our favor, we'll hop into the next one here and really hope for the best, but like just in terms of this first game. So far, I'm really enjoying it.
With this phone I know it is more of an expensive version, and this isn't even the most expensive version. This isn't the iPhone 11 Pro, even though that would be a lot more interesting to go and play on it and I know that would probably be a lot similar to the Samsung Galaxy Note, 10.1 boxing and just play through I will actually have a link for it down below in the description. If you guys want to go and check that out, but yeah so far in terms of comparing this phone with the Samsung Galaxy Note, 10.1 I'm, so good, ok hold up. Oh, I have to get this noise. Okay I knew I was so close for this beetle, but I'm going back under what I was saying here, comparing this device to the Samsung Galaxy Note 10, to give it to the note 10 plus, but don't get me wrong.
This gameplay experience is still extremely smooth. Nevertheless, like it is kind of what you would expect with this type of phone and oh wow, okay, these guys are just getting absolutely annihilated here, and they're spawning. Are we oh, no they're still spawning over there all right, but it's going to be interesting to see what this game is actually gonna, be like because I know a lot of people out there might not have a most high-end of devices and I know a lot of people's concerns in terms of running this game is just like whether your phone is good enough and like these higher end devices, obviously it's going to be able to go and play this game flawlessly, but I'm hoping for those high-end devices like the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 5s, because I know a lot of people in specific have been asking about the iPhone 5s I'm, hoping maybe in the future, that this game will be able to run those games a little more properly might as well just finish off with the front line on kill house here, just to get a little more of an understanding, well use a different gun here, but so far I've really been enjoying. This I will say this in terms of heat for the phone itself. It is like a little hot, but I know that doesn't mean that it's a bad thing whatsoever.
It just means that it's actually putting into work to go and run this game. So it's not like it's overheating by any stretch of the imagination, because I'm still able to like play at a stable frame rate here. Oh, I thought there was one other guy, oh my but yeah, even though it is a little hot on the back of the device here, I'm still like all set to go and playing oh dang, they actually just recently made it so that front line. You can't really do that good of a job at spawn trapping them, because the delay to go and kill the people in their spawn has been amped up from 3 seconds to 5 seconds and oh whoa, ok, I think I might go and eat a grenade over there, we'll see who we can go and get I know. Oh hello, ok! Oh, there we go noise, I, think that guy just unlocked new skin -.
Okay, we'll slide over here. If we can, like all the controls, are really easy to go and use with this right now, I'm, not like feeling any type of weird delays, so that's also a really solid up for this device, but uh other than that. Oh, there we go, and also, if you guys, are interested in watching me playing some Call of Duty Mobile live I actually do have a second channel called Call of Duty mobile TV it'd be awesome. If you guys want to go and check it out, there will be actually a link to that channel in the description as well as in the pin to comment. Oh no, no I just have the sentry gun, I think I hear him.
Oh, maybe oh there we go with the delay. Okay, I think I'm, somewhat close to a predator missile here, ? I'm, just like trying to watch out for all these guys. Oh, give me that nice, oh and enough. What was that? Oh, no, that was just the other guy there. Okay, let's go and destroy this century gun here that this guy works so hard to go and get goodbye, sentry gun boom.
Okay, we'll toss up the UAV here on this well use her death machine. There we go and I know. Probably a lot of people are gonna, be asking me whether I'm gonna now be sticking to iPhones or, if I'm going to be giving away. My razor phone ? in all honesty, I'm Prime, still going to keep my razor phone ? as well as I'm still going to continue to play on that device as well. I really have no complaints with that device, if I'm being completely honest and oh no, how did I not kill those guys? I really have no complaints with that device.
Furthermore, I'm still going to continue to use it I like the way how it feels in my hand, I, will say, I still like how this phone feels in my hands like it, doesn't feel uncomfortable whatsoever. It is just knife owned device. So, if you're a huge fan of iPhone, then this phone should actually be perfect for you, I feel like in terms of width of everything. My fingers aren't like all in a weird manner it, but it's getting close to the end here. We might as well finish off these few remaining guys.
There we go. Okay, oh gosh, hopefully, I won't be final kill, I have a feeling. I will be final kill by the way, though oh yeah, there we go there, we go. Oh yes, of course, I was the final kill, but, ladies and gentlemen, and low battery, ok, I'm, just going to close out of that. Well, that was Call of Duty mobile they're on my iPhone 11 I guess for some final thoughts on using this device.
I would probably say whether it's worth it just to go and buy the iPhone 11 to go and play call to do mobile on it. I'd probably say a solid know if I'm being completely honest with you, I'd rather prefer you go and buy something like the razor phone ?, for example, which I'm pretty sure is even half the price of this phone, and you can go and just like, still run at the same exact graphics settings as you can see right here, very high and very high for both graphic quality and frame rate, but yeah man. It's still a decent phone, it can run cold to be mobile on it at the highest settings possible in terms of just the heat once again yeah after two games. The phone is pretty decently hot right now, if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to go and give it a like, if you guys are new around here, be sure to go and subscribe for future Call of Duty mobile videos. But with that said, my name is Parker.
Hopefully guys are having a wonderful and fabulous TEDx. I certainly am, and I guess I'll talk to you guys in the next video.
Source : ParkerTheSlayer