Before You Buy the iPhone 11 Pro... By Dave2D

By Dave2D
Aug 14, 2021
Before You Buy the iPhone 11 Pro...

So I wanted to share some thoughts with you guys about this phone before Apple's marketing hit too hard. The iPhone 11 was one of the most heavily leaked phones we saw in 2019. We knew everything about this phone like by the middle of the summer. We knew there's gonna, be three phones, a normal one, a big one, a cheaper one, same screens, same form, factor as last year's and the year before that lightning, port and each phone now has an extra camera lens. The truth is, though, that all this talk about hardware is almost irrelevant to the conversation. We know that it's going to be an iterative change or an iterative update for the iPhones this year, and it's going to be pushed and marketed quite heavily by Apple and over the next week or two.

We're going to see a lot of videos on YouTube that talk about how you shouldn't buy the iPhone 11. But the hardware is not bad. It's actually good, like, objectively speaking, it's a great iPhone, but because of where the iPhone 11 sit in terms of Apple's product cycle and how they launch things. It just feels like they're selling a product pushing a product that shouldn't be sold. Furthermore, it really is like a placeholder for next year's iPhones see the iPhone 10 from two years ago was a perfect phone as an expensive phone as one of the first ones to break $1000.

But people recognize it as being a really solid phone from Apple. The 10s felt like an iterative change with just a camera upgrade so the iPhone 11 with now a two-year-old body feels even more so. The 20/20 iPhones, the ones coming out next year are going to be a very big shift in hardware. It's supposed to be new form factors, including an even smaller one, new screens in display touch, ID use, PC charging and a supposed 5 G option. It's going to be the iPhone upgrade that everyone wants, and it's honestly, the upgrade that people deserve in 2019.

Unfortunately, we're not getting in 2019 we're going to get next year. The other thing is Apple software, one of Apple's greatest strengths, I, actually considered to be the greatest strengths from the whole Apple ecosystem is their software. You can run their latest and greatest iOS version on much older hardware. You can run iOS 13 on the iPhone SE a three and a half year old phone with two gigs of RAM, and it's stable and smooth. That's Apple.

That's the real value of Apple's iPhones right now to have this cohesive and well tuned software for the phones, B, don't need to buy it. This is free. Every single, modern iPhone gets iOS 13 for free and with Apple's iPhone battery replacement program. It really feels like a tough sell for these iPhone 11s. Now here's the thing if it was any other brand, it feels like Samsung, Google or just any other phone brand selling.

This iterative change, like they have on the iPhone 11s, would have been a marketing nightmare. It'd have been like the toughest thing to do, but Apple is Apple. They are so good at marketing these things they're so good at making. You want things that you really shouldn't want, and these phones are going to sell, and it kills me knowing that so many people are gonna, be spending some serious money on these phones. So if you're, an iPhone user, and I'm saying you should switch to Android I'm saying take a step back, look at all the moving pieces here and think to yourself is this a phone you should actually purchase, and it's not about them.

Releasing a new phone next year, there's always a new iPhone. It's a combination of how good the next year's phone will be and just how insignificant the changes are this year like if you buy an iPhone 11 this year, I think you're getting bamboozled because you're going to want the iPhone 12, whatever they call it next year, you're going to be spending money twice. Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video thumbs if you liked it subs. If you love to see you guys next time, you.

Source : Dave2D

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