Bad Mom vs Good Mom / Funny Situations By Troom Troom SELECT

By Troom Troom SELECT
Aug 15, 2021
Bad Mom vs Good Mom / Funny Situations

Moms can be good, moms can be bad, but at the end of the day you can't choose your mother. A big part of childhood is spent doing homework, and sometimes you really need mom's help. Mom a good mom comes to the rescue instantly. Hmm, it's easy: honey change, the plus to a minus, the comma, to a colon, and you get the answer. You already knew how to do it too, right, honey. The homework is done in a flash.

The bad mom never likes school, though you can't expect a lot of help. Are you asleep mom? What else should you do when science is like Greek to you? I think it's time to break out the big guns, grandma's, going to figure it out now or not? Oh, this is a new curriculum. It was different when I was your age hey. Are you asleep or something you're napping? Why didn't you warn me? A nice nap instead of homework brings the family together. The best way for a kid to earn money is to lose a baby tooth yay.

Finally, just hide the tooth under the pillow and then keep sleeping here. Comes the tooth fairy, and she knows what she's doing is that a tooth, a real tooth? That's great! Here's your reward! Unfortunately, the bad mother knows about this money-making method too money for a tooth for a kid. No way, I need it more. The poor child is so disappointed. I knew there was no such thing as the tooth fairy.

Of course, it's not the same at the good mom's house and the tooth hidden under the pillow pays off yay, I'm so rich. Is there anything that makes a mother happier than her child being happy? The child's safety in the car is so important. I wish they made car seats that would fit all the way up to age.18. then mom would be satisfied. All right buckle up.

Let's go. We have great things to do bad moms, don't just forget about safety. They also forget about their kids, sometimes so many things to do so. Many, oh mom! Are you forgetting anything? That's right! I need to put on some lipstick. Now we can go hey mom.

What about me at least slow down at the traffic lights? Is it hard to get a kid ready for school, not hard at all the good mom will say the lunch is ready, and the clothes are ironed. Is the child happy absolutely with this kind of preparation? He will get straight a's go ahead champion, but for the bad mom morning is torture get up mom get up? Well, can't you get ready by yourself. You are a big girl. What do you mean lunch money's better than a sandwich? Buy yourself something during lunch. Time looks like you, have no choice but to get used to living like an adult, and it's not that hard to get ready on your own yeah.

You could have done your hair better and the buttons are a mess, but school can't wait what a lovely day no need to rush anywhere. You are so wrong. Somebody's in for a big surprise, happy birthday, baby guests gifts, warm wishes. Oh, no did I miss something. That's right! It's your daughter's birthday! I think there's some cake in the fridge.

Hmm. Okay, candles! If you add a couple more candles to seven, you get the right number that'll. Does the birthday cake is ready, make a wish? Oh, what's taking you so long, just blow them out, it's no big deal and now the best part happy birthday kid. The bad mom got away with it this time, but she still needs to put her daughter's birthday on the calendar. A party in the good mom's household is a whole ritual.

A birthday means a surprise party with a bunch of food gifts and guests. May all your dreams come true, and after the delicious cake there will be games and dances, kids and ice cream, don't always mix well, usually the ice cream lands on their face, hands and clothes. Oh, did you spill? It's okay. You can't scare the good mom with a stain. She keeps wet wipes in her purse and a spare shirt and her baby is tidy again.

The bad mom doesn't care much about stains. Hey, oh mom! I got dirty okay, great! I always keep scissors in my bag, no stain, no problem. Who cares that it was a new shirt. At least there are no stains in a house with children. Perfect cleanliness! Doesn't last long before you could clean everything up, oops, it's messy again cleaning up more than once a month.

No, no! No! The bad mom doesn't want to do that. Plus she knows a great life hack, a mop rag and slippers can make great cleaning shoes. Let's go kiddo the more you walk, the cleaner, the house and I have important things to do. I need to finish my show. That's imaginative.

The good moms kids can create a mess too. Where were those candies? Oh, what's wrong? Are you? Okay, even the smallest noise shocks? The good mom is my baby. All right, that's the most important and the cereal. That's what a vacuum cleaner is for room, and it's clean. Are you sure you didn't get hurt? Do you want a cupcake? Motherhood is no reason to give up on a personal tie, mother's leaving don't call me for a while I'll be busy and the daughter is staying with grandma.

No, I'm not interested in babysitting. Oh, like mother, like daughter, there's a whole tradition of bad moms. Here, don't look at me. Mom needs time alone, happy mom, happy, kiddo, ciao and, while grandma's dealing with the child mom will tan and swim all she wants. This is paradise going away alone.

The good mom can't do that ready to travel. Do you have your hat? Let's go on an adventure, just the two of us we'll enjoy the sun, we'll swim, eat, loads of ice cream and splash water. All over the place. Shopping with a child is only possible if you have the right equipment, it's better to keep children on short leashes in shopping malls. Although the bad moms jeans are showing this little clip is supposed to hold me and while the child is walking around the shops, mom is about to go on an unforgettable treasure hunt.

What again, where should I look for her this time and good moms have the most obedient children or do they just use secure locks? No kid can escape from such a tight hold get in the car and let's go home and be good. Did you like our stories about the bad and the good mom which of these situations seemed familiar? Tell us, in the comments, give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel and click the bell. So you don't miss the most interesting sketches about moms on courtroom select.

Source : Troom Troom SELECT

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